This week in Tweets

  • Got an e-mail promising $7.5M from the UN to anyone who’s been scammed. Just send personal info to W. Africa. How stupid do they think I am? #
  • RT @GeekMommy: Okay, seriously, Adam Savage (MythBusters) couldn’t have chosen a more perfect Twitter handle – @donttrythis just rings true! #
  • Tweeting Mythbusters. Whoda Thunk it? #
  • It’s going to be a long night. NHL has already woken up 3 times: 1x w/ a nightmare, 1x to get a drink, & 1x because JSL made too much noise. #
  • JSL, meanwhile refused to go to sleep until nearly 9. Then fussed in his crib before waking up & waking up his brother. #
  • NHL & JSL are finally asleep now, so I’m getting to sleep while the gettings good. Goodnight everyone! #
  • RT @ProActiveDads: State of Michigan is forcing a new Dad to pay girlfriend’s hospital bill or marry her! #
  • They want to marry anyway, but on their time, not the state’s. Meanwhile, state is taking the $$$ from dad causing financial probs for the 2 #
  • First week back on my WW-based diet and I lost 3.5 pounds. I know from experience this will slow in the coming weeks, but still a good start #
  • Lunch today: Flat roll (don’t know its real name) w/ hummus & Fiber One cereal on top + cottage cheese w/ Fiber One cereal. 5 points. #
  • Celebrities on Twitter – I might have to follow some of these folks. (Not the porn stars though. Honest!!!) #
  • William Shatner tweets? @WilliamShatner #
  • Got an e-mail that begins: “I am calling about…” Um… You aren’t calling. You’re e-mailing. Tough to confuse the two. #
  • This morning, NHL didn’t know our current Pres is. As I tucked him into bed he told me he knows who it is: George Bushington! #
  • Woah. Almost forgot to work out. Time to clear some space and generate a WiiFit Workout #WiiFit #
  • #WiiFit workout done. Pushed myself to 53 minutes today. #
  • Wow. Only 24 followers to go before I hit 200. #
  • RT @historicaltweet: Obama’s Historical Tweets <== My Historical Tweet idea made it! Cool! #
  • Sheesh. Someone in one of my forums hung his flag upside down last night & now is putting it away for 4 yrs to protest Obama being sworn in. #
  • It’s way past time to stop the campaign feuding. Obama won the election & we should get behind him regardless of who you voted for. #
  • Besides, wouldn’t it be better for America if Obama’s a good Pres & he is proven wrong than if he’s proven right & Obama’s an awful Pres? #
  • Ditching the Hulu feed & going to try CNN. Too much fluff there for my taste. #
  • The band playing & announcer make this seem like a sporting event. “Ladies and Gentleman, your home team: the House of Representatives!” #
  • That announcer sounds like the “Let’s Get Ready To Rumble” guy. #
  • “Ladies and Gentleman. In this corner, the President Elect. In that corner Chief Justice Roberts. LLLLLLLet’s get ready to RUMBLLLEEEEE!” #
  • Seriously, who *IS* that announcer? Weird to hear a voice that might normally announce sports/wresting announcing political figures. #
  • Can’t wait to hear how the “Rumble” announcer will announce Obama. “Ladies and gentleman. Your President Elect: BARACK OOOOOOOBAMA!!!!” #
  • Rumble Announcer tripped over his words. How embarrassing would it be if he did that w/ Barack? #
  • CNN’s video feed keeps freezing. Audio working fine. #
  • …and now the audio is breaking. The Internet is breaking!!!! #
  • Quoting the Shma #
  • Shma Y’Israel Adonoi Elohainu Adonoi Echad = Here O’Israel. The Lord our God. The Lord is One. #
  • And now for the main event! #
  • Should I stand if I’m sitting in my office? What’s the inaugural etiquette? #
  • Constitutionally, Obama’s Presidency started at noon. So Bush isn’t Pres anymore but Obama’s not sworn in yet. Who’s our Pres??!!! #
  • Here we go…… #
  • Yikes! He’s messing it up. Nerves must be awful at this moment. #
  • We’re DVRing this. I’ll need to watch it again tonight when my video won’t lock up. #
  • Small shots of the crowd, but holy smokes are there a lot of people there! #
  • Wow. People on statues. People on walls. People on top of people on top of people. It’s just a sea of people out there. #
  • More inaugural etiquette. Do I rise in my office? #
  • will publish all non-emergency legislation to the website for 5 days & allow comments before the Pres signs it. Cool! #
  • Link about the changes coming to #
  • RT @jquery: The new White House website ( uses jQuery <== jQuery. JavaScript powered change you can believe in. 😉 #
  • W gets on the helicopter. #
  • Closing the streaming cast now. Time to get back to work. #
  • Wait. Obama’s left-handed? How did I not know that? Hooray for us lefties! #
  • To all my left-handed twitterfolk out there, remember: Left-handers are the only ones in their right minds. 😉 #
  • Wishes Adobe Air didn’t open 2 tabs in FireFox every time I clicked a link in Twhirl. It’s just annoying. #
  • RT @dhlawrencexvii: Ah…thanks, Ben Shields! The announcer today is a Navy man: #
  • Just realized I can’t make my planned meal for tomorrow night. Don’t have a pan that goes from stove to oven. Got to come up with alt plan. #
  • Morning Twitterers. #
  • I turned in early to catch up on sleep but JSL sabatoged my effort by waking up, coming into our bed, & refusing to go back to sleep. #
  • Driving into work today, I noticed my Emergency Brake light was on. Brake wasn’t on though. Simple sensor failure or bigger problem? #
  • My car already has 1 sensor failure. The Seatbelt Unbuckled light blinks regardless of seatbelt status. Cheaper to let it blink than fix it. #
  • I take a 32oz Nalgene bottle w/ me everyday. Down to 8oz already. Thank goodness for the water cooler in my dept. (24oz in 1.5hrs? Yikes.) #
  • RT @elijahmanor: Check out “40 Useful Print-Ready Cheat Sheet For Web Developers” #tech #web #
  • This is simply incredible to behold. Yesterday’s Inauguration seen from space. #
  • Almost done with my second 32 ounces of water. Man, am I thirsty today! #
  • RT @thinkgeek: “i’m tweeting this” t-shirt! Does not include fail whale or annoying auto “thx for the follow” DMs. #
  • RT @WAHMRevolution: Click on links to see full list of recalled products #
  • RT @debworks: some great companies to follow here <= @SouthwestAir is there too. We’re flying them to DW in 4 months. #
  • RT @BuildingCamelot: To all the ladies: what should your man NOT buy you for Valentines day? <= Reply to @BuildingCamelot and retweet #
  • Are Nut Bans Promoting Hysteria? “…early exposure to peanuts lowers risk of allergy…” So should we give JSL PB? #
  • RT @OwenC: Let me summarize the last 24 hours for the PC Geeks: BUSH = CTRL + X, OBAMA = CTRL + N. (via @jowyang) #
  • How many oz of water should one drink per day? I’m up to 64oz. Might finish off another 32oz by day’s end. Maybe I’ll shoot for 100oz. #
  • This site says Daily Water intake = 1/2 oz of water per pound of body weight if you’re not active. So I need 100oz per day. #
  • Oops. Forgot the site’s URL: #
  • Win Little Debbie 100 calorie snacks: #
  • Brake light was on on the way home too. Google search shows I need to check my brake fluid. If that’s fine, my brakes need to be examined. #
  • The website I wound up at explaining about the brake light: #
  • Trying to get the WiiFit Workout Generator to work with my site’s header. #
  • This isn’t working right. Giving up for now to work out. Might need to make some kind of custom header for non-blog pages. #
  • My WiiFit age is 26. I’m 7 years younger than I really am! #
  • Got my Wii stamp on #WiiFIt. #
  • #WiiFit Free Step for 20 minutes. 2,000 steps. #
  • #WiiFit workout at 48 minutes, can I hit 1 hour? #
  • Got the Silver Piggy bank! #WiiFit #
  • A 64 minute #WiiFit workout. A new personal best. That should burn some calories. Burn, calories, burn! #
  • Way past time for some sleep. Hope I can, though. JSL is already in our bed & I drank a gallon of water today. #
  • Morning all. Hope your day’s off to a better start than mine. Tried to check the brake fluid level in my car, but the hood wouldn’t open. #
  • Dropped NHL at school, left my stuff at home (in case they needed to take my car in) & brought it into the service shop. #
  • Of course, brake light decided to work properly then. Got my stuff at home, went to work, realized I left my shoes at home. Only have boots. #
  • Computer doesn’t want to respond today. Another sign I should’ve stayed in bed today. Maybe things will go better after I get breakfast. #
  • 2 new AA’s put in Canon A570IS. 1 video taken. 2 days later camera says they’re dying. Checked & they’re fine. Camera’s sensor is messed up. #
  • …And now FireFox decided to bomb out on me. Can I crawl under my desk and just hide there till 4:30? #
  • I really wish Novell’s iChain would forward on detailed HTTP 500 errors instead of showing a generic error page. Makes debugging difficult. #
  • Which of my FireFox extensions is insisting on opening every time FireFox starts? That’s definitely not my home page. #
  • Why is it when my motivation to get work done increases, my computer decides that’s a good time to slow down? #
  • The “Gaston” song from Beauty and the Beast keeps playing in my head. NHL watched B&tB last weekend, why is the song playing in my head now? #
  • Playing songs I bought from to exorcise “Gaston” from my head. #
  • RT @BuildingCamelot: A 17 year old girl has had 6 kids! (3 pregnancies) <= The fathers didn’t stick around either. #
  • My wife is responding to me talking via IM. And I’m only 10 feet away from her! #
  • I have 196 followers now. Wonder who will be #200? #
  • I have (oh god) a plan! (anyone get the reference?) Going to show NHL Food Network shows to try to expand his culinary horizons. #
  • Already showed him Good Eats. After seeing the Edamame episode, he requested that I DVR tonight’s Popcorn and Pretzel episodes. #
  • #WiiFit workout generated & almost set to begin tonight’s workout. The workout has both Free Step & Free Run. Should be interesting. #
  • Yikes. A 69 minutes #WiiFit workout. Am I nuts? (Well, maybe, but still….) #
  • Way too tired to be in work this morning and yet here I am. #
  • The AC was shut off so I’m not freezing. Unfortunately, this means the ants are back. I shouldn’t have to choose between ants & freezing! #
  • *klonk* *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* #
  • RT @elijahmanor: Check out “Firebug in IE… a dream come true!” #tech #web #
  • Just booked my flight to see my parents. Long Island here I come. (Next weekend) #
  • RT @BrettTrout: Call on Obama to boost the tech sector by tackling software patent reform Do it for your BlackBerry … #
  • Wow. Haven’t taken photos off my camera for awhile. 296 photos to go through dating back to Jan 1st! #
  • WiiFit Workout Generator now using #jQueryUI Tabs. Works better than my “fly-out” code. Might have to redo the CSS though. #
  • Pizza Hut commercial advertises 12 pounds of pasta as serving “4 or more.” Really? 3 pounds of pasta is a serving? #
  • Got a set of ankle/wrist weights to help kick my WiiFit workouts to the next level. #
  • Speaking of which, I think #WiiFit isn’t burning fat so much as building muscle. Formally “jiggly” areas of my body seem to be firming up. #
  • NHL just woke up saying “My coughs don’t sound good.” Sounds like he’s getting sick. Croup-y cough. Oh joy. #
  • #WiiFit Workout Generator styles updated. Magic Tree House book wisdom copied for a future post. Time for bed. Night all! #

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