This week in Tweets

  • Seriously, Disney, when are posting your May park hours? We need to make our reservations on Sunday, but May park hours aren’t posted yet. #
  • Loving the fact that the latest version of Twhirl has spell-check built in. #
  • While at my parents’ house I picked up some old family photos to scan. I really wish I knew more about the one w/ my great-grandparents. #
  • Unfortunately, my grandfather (whose parents they were) passed away many years ago & my grandmother’s memory’s not the best. #
  • Wow. A member of my digital photography group not only published a coffee table book with his great astrophotography shots, … #
  • …but he also got forewords written by Sir Arthur C Clarke, Sir Patrick Moore, and Dr. Brian May (Queen guitarist w/ PHD in Astrophysics). #
  • Link to the incredible Astrophotography book: #
  • Thinking about webcams. If my parents got 1 & we got 1, the kids could talk to Bubbe, Grandpa, & Greatgrandma on screen instead of by phone #
  • Close call this weekend. I downloaded photos from my friend’s wedding to show my parents. Forgot I had a “TechyDad” stamp on them. #
  • Luckily, I only showed them to my mom (not computer literate) then deleted them. When dad asked about them I said that quality wasn’t good. #
  • Parents don’t know about my “TechyDad” moniker & although I don’t use this name to badmouth them, I’d rather they don’t know about it. #
  • How many Twitterfolk keep an online identity (Twitter, Facebook, blog, etc) that their parents/family doesn’t know about? #
  • I find this hilarious though I’m sure families watching the Super Bowl didn’t: Porn clip penetrates Super Bowl broadcast #
  • Phil the Groundhog sees 6 more weeks of winter. In related news: #
  • Some people recorded the “Super Bowl Porn” & put it online. Highly NSFW so not even going to think about watching it now. #
  • My great-grandparents. Undated photo. Only clue is print on the back: “Albert Murdus Photographer 524 Grand St NY” #
  • Back of that mystery photo: Is there a Grand Street Historical Society or something? #
  • My twitter profile is worth $287. I ‘m only 2.8% of the worth of @guykawasaki. #
  • People book #DisneyWorld reservations 90 days out. 90 days from today = May 3. Last posted schedule as of now = 4/28. Disney Schedule FAIL! #
  • Punky Brewster’s on Twitter? I loved that show! (Ok, not Punky, but the actress who played her: @moonfrye) #
  • Man do I hate #Heroes! How could they end like that & make me wait a week for more?!!! Seriously, though, *GREAT* episode. #
  • Almost forgot about my #WiiFit workout. Might make things simple and just do 50 minutes of Free Step with my ankle weights on. #
  • Non-PB items recalled now. Execs from the company should be brought up on criminal charges. They knew about the Salmonella & ignored it. #
  • Video game playing linked to breastfeeding. (No, not really. The “link” is used to show how ridiculous some studies are.) #
  • Wondering if there’s any way to figure out how old a photo is. Got an undated photo of my great-grandparents. #
  • So tired. Stayed up way too late last night. Would anyone notice if I closed my office door and took a 3 or 4 hour nap? #
  • Why does the new version of #Twhirl insist on adding multiple spaces when I hit the space key once? #
  • Special K Bliss bars are so not worth it. They taste good, but FiberOne bars taste better, are almost 2x the size, & are the same points. #
  • I found out on Sunday that you can’t bring Trader Joe’s Sunflower Butter on an airplane. They count it as a liquid and confiscate it. #
  • Luckily, my parents were nearby & were able to take it back with them. I’ll have to pick it up when I drive down one day. #
  • Just got another “Your car warranty is expiring” robo-call. Should have pressed 1 & yelled at the rep. Just wasn’t motivated enough. #
  • Don’t you hate it when you think “Well, the day’s almost over now” and then you look down at the clock & see you still have over 2hrs to go? #
  • Anyone know of a guide to the different blogger conferences? (Where they are, when they are, what activities go on at them?) #
  • In an attempt to date my great-grandparent’s photo, I found this page with lots of old photos for reference: #
  • Anon. [Husband and wife, she is standing, he is sitting, fringe beard. c.1870] Looks sort of like the photo I have. #
  • Here’s the photo that I’m trying to date: Any leads would be greatly appreciated. #
  • Headed to bed. Don’t feel so good. Not sure if I’m coming down with something or if my body is just exhausted. Either way, I need some rest. #
  • Won a giveaway & didn’t receive prize due to sponsor mix-up. Person hosting giveaway isn’t answering my e-mails. How long should I wait? #
  • Thinking of restarting an old website I once ran that had Infomercial product reviews. Might make it more blog-like w/ guest reviewers. in reply to classymommy #
  • Why is it, when I’m feeling sick, that I get insanely hungry. Trying to keep to healthy snacks so as not to rack up points needlessly. #
  • On the hunt for someone who can catch an injured bird & take care of it. #
  • Some of my co-workers suggested hitting it w/ a tennis racket to “put it out of its misery.” I most certainly WILL NOT! #
  • Those were female co-workers, BTW. #
  • If I re-opened my infomercial review site, people could send me products to review and give away. Any infomercial product vendors out there? #
  • Time Warner expanding their metered billing trials. You get 20GB per day then get charged $1 for each GB you go over. #
  • Just ate hummus on a flat roll with Fiber One and then cottege cheese w/ crushed pineapple. Why am I feeling extremely hungry? #
  • Running a report that usually slows my computer down. Add in McAfee & my computer’s just not responding. Driving me nuts. #
  • I want to be productive. Really, I do. But I just can’t if my computer takes 5 minutes to do each thing I tell it to do. (Like Right-click.) #
  • Just found out that two Amie Street artists that I like are on Twitter: @shannonhurley and @marinav #
  • In case anyone’s interested, @marinav’s music can be heard here: @shannonhurley’s here: #
  • Another bad day for NHL. His teachers said it’s like he’s not in control. He knows it’s wrong, apologizes after, but can’t stop himself. #
  • Last time this happened to NHL, he was on Singulair. Wondering if one of his new allergy/asthma medicines could be causing his bad behavior. #
  • RT @Twitter_Tips: WARNING–WordPress Warning: If you have TweetBacks plugin installed uninstall it— it has a spam backdoor (via @DaivRawks ) #
  • Fell asleep last night w/ laptop reading twitter. Skipped WiiFit workout for a 2nd night in a row. Feeling a little better this morning. #
  • My computer doesn’t want to work today. ARGH! Think it’s time for a reboot. #
  • A delivery just arrived at my office. I didn’t order it though. 1st name & Surname’s 1st 3 characters correct. Going to right person now. #
  • Computer didn’t want to work. Rebooted and now it does. Ah, the reboot: The fix for nearly all computer “mysterious problems.” #
  • Animal Control called me back about the bird… over 24 hours from when I first called them. Nice to see quick response there. #
  • I swear the hospital intercom just said: “Peter Griffin call the operator.” If a talking dog & a homicidal baby walk by, I’m going home. #
  • Feeling shaky. I sometimes get this way if I’ve put lunch off for too long. But I just ate lunch. I should prob get my blood sugar tested. #
  • Diabetes runs in my family (mom has it, grandfather had it, etc) so blood sugar issues aren’t something to be ignored. #
  • Can anyone recommend any good WordPress plugins to help handle reviews? Categorizations, Star rankings, Searching, etc. #
  • RT @stargardener’s dad: I think Congressmen should wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers so we could identify their Corporate sponsors. #
  • Headed home now. *slides down dinosaur’s back and glides into car* #
  • Ok, *WAY* past my bedtime. Did my #WiiFit workout & prepped some photos for tomorrow’s blog post. But for now I’m off to bed. Goodnight all! #
  • Not feeling too good today. Nose is all stuffed up & I feel like I’m in a fog. #
  • Sinuses killing me. Not sure if it’s a sickness, allergies, exhaustion, or all three ganging up on me. #
  • Last night I tried to get my router (Netgear WRT614) to e-mail me its log files so I could figure out how much bandwidth we use. No success. #
  • Any recommendations on Webcams? Thinking of getting one so my kids can video chat with my parents & grandma long distance. #
  • Was looking at this webcam: #
  • Is it bad that I’m hungry and want to eat lunch at 11:40? #
  • Have one single item in my inbox. It looks so lonely in there, but I’m moving on to other projects. #
  • Feel like Sushi for dinner but don’t know how many points it’d be. #
  • About an hour to go until the weekend is officially here. #
  • RT @BuildingCamelot: 100 Foods To Aid in Your Productivity #
  • Shutterfly running very slow. C’mon Shutterfly! I need to add this batch to my work’s gallery so I can go home in 20 minutes. #
  • Anyone else running the #Twhirl beta getting doubling spaces? I hit 1 space & 2 appear. Seems to be random, not everytime. Quite annoying. #
  • Other than the doubling spaces thing, I’m loving the #Twhirl beta. #
  • Interesting how Mr. Rodger’s Neighborhood showed a nipple in the context of breastfeeding while Facebook bans them. #

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