This week in Tweets

  • Yearly Jewish Federation donation call. I say I can’t donate. He asks if he should call Jewish Family Services. WTF? #
  • I’m not poor, I just can’t afford to donate right now. Was tacky how the guy assumed things about my financial situation based on my “No.” #
  • Did some baking tonight. Snickerdoodles (from bought cookie dough) and No Pudge Fudge Brownies. Yum on both. #
  • Is it morning? Am I awake? I seem to be dressed and at work, but brain no want wake up. Me nap now. *zzzzzzzzzzz* #
  • Got a “shouting” call from my wife. Apparently, she picked up NHL at kindergarten, headed for the library, & NHL decided to wet his pants. #
  • Holocaust denying bishop says he’ll review evidence, won’t visit Auschwitz, but bought a book: #
  • He claims previous comments based on research in the 80’s. AFAIK, there’s been no Holocaust historical breakthroughs in the past 25 yrs. #
  • Either he’ll claim his evidence review supports denial or he’ll change his tune & use “re-examining the evidence” as a save face maneuver. #
  • Not feeling well today. Also having a high point day. Think the two are related? #
  • Packing up and heading home now. Need to fill up the car before I head home & make dinner. in reply to TheAngelForever #
  • Today’s starting off as a really stressful day. Not a good sign when I’m highly stressed before I even get to work. #
  • Car needs repair. Then again, it’s 10 years old with 104K miles on it. Perhaps I should just replace it. But what to replace it with? #
  • New (or used) car requirements: Not too big (just for daily commutes), fuel efficient (at least 28-30mpg) and as inexpensive as possible. #
  • I’d love to get a hybrid, but they just cost too much. #
  • Websense blocks Wikipedia’s #Breastfeeding In Public page ( ) as Nudity. Doesn’t flag Wikipedia’s Breastfeeding page tho. #
  • Also doesn’t block Wikipedia’s Breast page ( ) which has a female breast photo (w/ nipple). So why block BF in Public? #
  • Fun! Sheldon (on online comic strip) has grandpa starting on Weight Watchers… um, I mean Point Watchers. 😉 #
  • Twitter charging companies wouldn’t be fatal. I do wonder how they’d identify corporate use though. #
  • If I have a site w/ a CafePress shop, am I charged to tweet? What if my blog runs ads? Tweeting about my blog posts could earn me money. #
  • Warning label on my soup container: “Bowl and soup are HOT after heating” I would seriously hope so. If it’s frozen, the microwave’s busted. #
  • Is hoping that Daphne on Heroes is still alive. @BreaGrant is wonderful on the show & I don’t want her written off just yet. #
  • Hopefully she’s recovering in a Hero Prison Hospital. Leaving her status up in the air does help make Matt (& viewers) upset at Nathan & co. #
  • Bare bones beta version of my revamped Infomercial review site is done. WordPress makes it go quickly. #
  • Anyone know of any WordPress plugins designed for product reviews? #
  • Freezing here. I need a snuggie! #
  • Octoplet’s mom: “Everything I do is for my children.” Maybe she shouldn’t have more kids when she can’t afford the 6 kids she already has? #
  • If my wife and I had no income, we’d cherish the kids that we had & would hold off on more kids until we were more financially secure. #
  • Octoplet’s moms 1st 6: Boy, girl, boy, boy, & a set of twins. So that’s 5 pregnancies before the octoplets. #
  • I’d question the fertility doctor’s ethics if he kept implanting eggs into her while she was unemployed & had many kids already. #
  • 13 month spread between her first 2 kids? #
  • 5 pregnancies in 5 1/2 years?!!! That can’t be healthy for her body. #
  • I think she just made a dig at the Duggers. I have my problems with them, but at least they have income to support their family. #
  • She admits that 6 embryos were transferred? I know someone who went for IVF and only 2-3 embryos were used each time. #
  • Is wondering how much is it going to cost her to raise 13 kids as an unemployed single mom. 2 kids can be pricy. #
  • Oops, I typed 13 kids…. meant 14 kids. Can’t do math right now. Too tired. Need to do some WiiFit workouts. #
  • Her 6 year old girl thinks it’ll be stressful all the time. It can be stressful here with 2 kids. I can’t IMAGINE adding 12 more! #
  • She’s planning to move to a larger home…. with WHAT MONEY?!!! #
  • Octuplet mom didn’t want her frozen embryos destroyed. Fair enough, there’s another option. Donate them to couples who can’t have kids. #
  • I believe you can even sell them thus giving her money to take care of her first 6 kids. #
  • She claims that there were 6 inserted in each round & two failed rounds before the 8 arrived. That’s 24 embryos to donate. #
  • More Weight Watchers….. er, Point Watchers in Sheldon. Looks like this will be a week long story line: #
  • Today’s Baby Blues references Breastfeeding: #
  • Has anyone used the ReviewPress plugin for WordPress? If so, what did you think about it? #
  • RT @mike_elgan: Why not pay Wall Street bonuses in their own toxic assets? #
  • Note to self. When you get too little sleep you have a tendency to snack more often the next day. IOW, proper sleep helps weight loss. #
  • rt @Moomettesgram You KNOW you want to win a blanket w/sleeves ~ The Slanket! Enter now! #
  • Authors Guild says Kindle doesn’t have “right to read a book out loud” That costs extra? No more NHL bedtime stories! #
  • So tired…. So I’m going to force myself onto the WiiFit. Maybe an hour of FreeStep aerobics with 10lbs of weights on my legs will help. #
  • Exhausting #WiiFit workout. 30 minutes of FreeStep and then 20 arm & leg lifts (each side). All with wieghts on my wrists/ankles. *collapse* #
  • Night night tweets. Headed to bed to try to get some sleep tonight. Hopefully JSL stays asleep the whole night. #
  • Enter to win a Boon Trio Animal Bag. RT this message to enter. Full details here: #
  • Our fridge is dying so my wife’s off to look at new ones. #
  • Phone rings. Automated voice: “If you own your own home you need to protect against major appliance failure.” Phone spammers have me bugged! #
  • Local police going to do training exercise near my work (w/ unloaded firearms). Could be a good photo op but not sure they’d like it. #
  • More Weight Watchers/Point Watchers fun over at Sheldon Comics: #
  • RT and Enter to win a Boon Trio Animal Bag. Details here: <= Looks like a nice way to store NHL/JSL’s stuffed animals #
  • Court Says Vaccine Is Not to Blame for Autism #
  • RT and Enter to win a Boon Trio Animal Bag. Details here: <= I really like that this is machine washable! #
  • Looked at Twit-Jacking page (with JS disabled of course) to figure out how it works. Had to translate a blog post from French to English. #
  • It opens an iFrame in such a manner to make it see-through (invisible but still able to react to clicks). #
  • It pre-populates a tweet (Twitter supports this). Next it puts a visible “Click Here” button under the invisible Twitter Submit Tweet button #
  • You try to click the “Click Here” button, but actually click the “Submit Tweet” button. Viola! Another “Don’t Click” tweet is posted. #
  • Just updated my How The “Don’t Click” Twitter Hack Works blog post with a solution for @twitter to use. #
  • Network is conspiring against me. Trying to finish one task I was told to do by end of day, but server’s being slow. #
  • Trying to leave early to get fridge, but I can’t leave until this is done. And the network seems to be working against me here. ARGH! #
  • iPod Touch giveaway at by @katjapresnal #skimbaco #11moms Please RT! #
  • Off to WiiFit. Wish there was some way to Tweet while FreeStepping. (No, I don’t have a Smart phone/iPhone. Just a laptop.) #
  • RT and Enter to win a Boon Trio Animal Bag. Details here: <= Looks like a very cool stuffed animal storage system. #
  • Night tweets! #
  • Someone brought in donuts today. I looked at them and wasn’t tempted at all. Sorry, @DunkinDonuts, but it does mean my diet’s working. 😉 #
  • One Boston Kreme donut has 6.5 points. Instead that, I can have 2 packets of instant grits (4 points) and a Kashi strawberry bar (2 points). #
  • Really wish @Hostgator’s Windows servers were available. Heard good things about them, but I need to run ASP/MS SQL as well as PHP/mySQL. #
  • Zoomable photo of Inauguration Day: Very cool! #
  • LOL! Free Valentine’s Day song from MP3: #
  • Is it time to go home yet? #
  • Is it the weekend yet? #
  • Feeling a bit confined in my 8 foot by 10 foot windowless office. #
  • Why is flagging every word as spelled wrong? Did I really spell “a” wrong? Or “on”? Or “in”?!!! #
  • RT and Enter to win a Boon Trio Animal Bag. Details here: <= Really hoping to win this… can you tell? 😉 #
  • RT and Enter to win a Boon Trio Animal Bag. Details here: <= My wife & I could review it on our blogs. (hint hint) 😉 #
  • Friday 13th strikes! Washing hands & water splashed over the front of my pants. Walked back to my office looking like I peed my pants. 🙁 #
  • All I can say is: Thank goodness for sportjackets! #
  • Is the weekend here yet? #
  • Any web hosts out there that offer ASP, PHP, mySQL, MS SQL, at least 5GB of space, and the ability to host multiple sites on the same plan? #
  • My wife and I have a “fun” V-Day planned. Cleaning the house up so that our new fridge can be delivered. #
  • Weekend time! Yay! *Thinks about all the cleaning that needs to be done this weekend.* Hmmm… Maybe I want to stay in the office after all. #
  • Our V-Day was filled with kitchen cleaning & microwaved dinner. Ok, not romantic, but very productive! #
  • 5 bags of garbage & the equivalent of 2 more bags recycling. One room down, 4 more to go. #
  • Sheldon Comics has another (and possibly the last for now) “Point Watchers” strip: in reply to Shortpacked #
  • Asked to join advisory panel. TOS say that they’ll own all “rights to the suggestions of every kind & nature throughout the Universe” WTH?!! #
  • If I agree to the TOS, I guess I’d have to move to my nearest parallel dimension to make a comment that the company wouldn’t own. #
  • RT and Enter to win a Boon Trio Animal Bag. Details here: <= This looks so cool. #
  • Doing a full mirror of all files on my web hosting account to see how many GB’s I’m using with files. With 27% transferred, I’m over 1GB #
  • Projecting 4GB when all is said & done. Add in another GB or 2 for DBs and future growth. Looks like I need 6GB+ from a hosting provider. #
  • Listening to “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye, free from MP3. #
  • Just checked my disk quota and it’s claiming that I’m using 4GB. That’s probably files only, then as my mirror is on track to be that much. #
  • Night all! #

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