This week in Tweets
- Got some info on my grandma today. She fell & broke 2 ribs. Her pulse has been dropping to 30 which causes her to pass out. #
- She needs a pacemaker, but she has to wait until after rehab at a nursing home. #
- My dad’s convinced that will kill her, but my mom can’t take care of her like this. (She really couldn’t take care of her before.) #
- Hope for parents with children allergic to peanuts: #
- RT @wiifitgirl: Older Cookbooks Offer Fewer Calories #
- Yikes. No wonder my computer is slowing down. FireFox is eating over 500MB of memory!!!! #
- Brought Firefox down from 28 tabs to 3 tabs. Memory dropped from over 500MB to 223MB. in reply to kileigh7 #
- Read an article about how people are not ditching cable TV even during the economic crisis. #
- What channels (not local/broadcast) are musts in your house? Ours: Noggin, Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, Food Network & Discovery Channel #
- Bye Bye Flu? New discovery could lead to universal vaccine for all types of flu (including Bird): #
- Think my blog is down now. *grrrr* #
- Quick site-check: Who can get to ? How about ? (Wife’s site hosted on same server.) #
- Confirmed. My sites are down. Was thinking earlier today that perhaps I’d stick with Sectorlink after all. Not good timing on their part. #
- Now all my sites are coming up blank. Host’s support phone number keeps cutting in and out. #
- They’re looking at the server now. Not sure if it’s a HDD issue or what. *grrrrr* #
- Finally got off hold to be told it’d be “a few minutes” before it’s fixed. We shall see. #
- My blog’s back up. Down time was “only” 40 minutes this time. #
- Got my database backups. File copies are already kept locally, so I’m good to go if need be. #
- If it wasn’t for my need to run ASP scripts, I’d switch to Hostgator. Unfortunately, I need ASP. Not sure how good Chilisoft ASP is. #
- Any (classic) ASP developers out there who’ve used Chilosoft ASP? How good is it? How well do your ASP pages run under Chilisoft ASP? #
- You’ve *GOT* to be kidding me! My sites are down AGAIN?!!! #
- Looks like sites aren’t “down.” They’re just so insanely slow that they might as well be down. *grrrr* #
- Called Sectorlink. Told them that it’s down again. They’re going to look into it & call me back in 30 minutes. #
- The tech didn’t really reply to my complaint about this happening pretty frequently over the past month or so. #
- Sorry, Sectorlink. You’ve been a great host for many years, but I’m going to have to look elsewhere for hosting. It’s not me, it’s you.
- Websites back. For now. #
- 1oz raw tilapia has 27 calories & no fat ( ) #
- Oops. That should’ve been @Lynnae #
- Seriously considering HostGator for my new host. #
- What do people out there think of HostGator? Good? Bad? #
- Oh, and Sectorlink’s promise to e-mail me within 30 minutes? It’s been 1 hour and no e-mail yet. #
- To everyone who’s followed me in the last 2wks. I look at each new follower to decide whether or not to follow back. #
- I’ve been backlogged, though. I’ll get around to looking at each of you. Just because I’m not following back now doesn’t mean I won’t. #
- My requirement for following someone back: Their past tweets look interesting enough to me that I’d want to read them every day. #
- Heading home now. I…. AM…. OUTTA HERE! #
- My grandmother’s not doing well. Hallucinating & serious mood swings. She even threw my dad out of the room for not bringing her walker. #
- She’s being transferred to another hospital tomorrow to have a pacemaker installed tomorrow. #
- I both love and hate how #Heroes drops those last second surprises on us that transforms everything we thought we knew. #
- Anyone out there ever worked with ChiliSoft ASP? How does it work with classic ASP scripts? #
- Got API white listing approval for my Twitter application. Making some good progress on it too. #
- Looking at for hosting now. #
- Good morning tweets. Two hours until my grandmother is transferred to the hospital that will put in her pacemaker. #
- RT @elijahmanor: “5 CSS3 Techniques For Major Browsers using the Power of jQuery” #tech #jquery #
- Has anyone ever used for web hosting? If so, how were they? (RT, please.) #
- RT @tombeardshaw: dads shut out of US parenting law – ‘only mums can be nurturers’: <= More here too: #
- Almost 20 minutes past when my grandmother was being transferred. Wonder what’s happening. My parents are prob in the hospital & can’t call. #
- RT @stargardener: Consumers Reach for Small Luxuries in Sour Economy: <=I ate a Ghirardelli choc as I read this
- The few responses I’ve gotten say Chilisoft ASP isn’t a that good. Taking Hostgator off my short list until they get Windows hosting up. #
- Shortlist: AllReseller (50GB, unlimited domains, ASP/PHP/mySQL/MS SQL) $11.95/mo &, Aspnix (10GB, 7 domains, ASP/PHP/mySQL/MS SQL) $7.77/mo. #
- AllReseller supports curl (good) but doesn’t support ImageMagick or *ANY* ASP and/or PHP components. Not good. They’re off my list. #
- Liking the quick responses I got from Arvixe web hosting. Unlimited space and domains, ASP/PHP/mySQL/MS SQL support & 60 day trial. $8/mo. #
- Correction: It’s $8/mo if you pay for 2 yrs. Paying by the month it’s $11/mo. Still a good price. #
- Another possibility: MochaHost. Unlimited space and 5,000 domains (virtually unlimited). PHP/ASP/mySQL/MS SQL. $7.95 per month. #
- Grandma is out of surgery and resting. *breathes a sigh of relief* #
- Asked MochaHost LiveChat a question. They didn’t have the answer & I had to go into the ticket system. Not huge, but Arvixe takes the lead. #
- My websites are down…. AGAIN!!! #
- RT @mike_elgan: What did people do online in 1996? “Not very much.” <= Nice trip down eMemory lane.
- RT @tombeardshaw: Rep Cynthia Davis says ‘only mums are nurturers’, denies she said that, but heres proof #
- Author’s Guild pres says Kindle TTS is audio book copyright infringement & users who paid for text should pay for audio: #
- (TTS = Text-To-Speech) #
- RT @donttrythis: This just in Mythbuster fans: Kari Byron is pregnant! Congrats Kari, I can’t wait to meet the new mythbuster! #
- Author’s Guild Pres not after bedtime stories but if the stories are read by a Kindle 2, “it’s another matter.” #
- Shirking parental duty aside, how is reading to your kid different than having a computer read to your kid? #
- RT @elijahmanor: “Xenocode Browser Sandbox – Run any browser from the web” #tech #web #
- This Twitter App is getting the better of me. All the pieces work on their own, but apparently the whole is too much for my server. #
- Too tired to keep working on it. Headed to bed. Night all. #
- So, who wants to play a game of #Calvinball on twitter?
- RT @wiifitgirl: The Magic of Makeup: One Model Age 10-60 <= Amazing what a little makeup can do. #
- RT @donttrythis: Here’s the official announcement of Kari’s bun in the oven: (includes funny video!) #
- Just checked my car. It was acting up this morn. Transmission’s going. Car’s 11yrs old w/ 104Kmi. Prob cheaper to get a new car than fix it. #
- Wife just called. She’s trying to get NHL to go into the doc’s office to get a shot. NHL is throwing a temper tantrum & refuses to go in. #
- Twitter is brevity. #twitterdefined #
- NHL got out of the shot. Receptionist comes over, apologizes to my wife & says they don’t have any more of the shots left. #
- #twitterdefined Twitter is attempting to contain a long letter’s worth of conversation into a short message comprised of a mere 140 characte #
- This Twitter app is driving me crazy! The script keeps timing out. I guess I’m pulling too much data for it. #
- Not liking new Audi ads. They say “Identity Theft can happen to anyone.” By “identity theft”, they mean everyone’s car looks the same. #
- Then the Audi drives in & everything’s ok. The commercials make light of identity theft. #
- Who wants to play some #calvinball? #
- My friend @gdifalco is just getting into Twitter & doesn’t quite get it. Let’s show him the power of Twitter. Everyone @ him & say hi.
- Shoot. Just clicked the “Clear All Tweets” button in Twhirl. How do I reverse that?!! #
- Twhirl should have some kind of prompt before wiping the slate clean like that! #
- Anyone else want to play #CalvinBall? There’s only 2 of us now. Plenty of room for more. Grab your mask, time-fracture wicket, & join in! #
- RT @SenJohnMcCain: $650K for beaver management in N.C. & Mississippi – how does one manage a beaver? <= Boy did he open a can of worms! #
- Have you tried KIDO’Z the free, children’s web browser? I have an I’ve reviewed it for Freeware Friday: #
- Everyone say hi to @gdifalco. He’s new to Twitter and I’m trying to convince him to tweet more often. #
- Looks like we’re going to buy a new Nissan Sentra. I should have a new car by Monday. (If credit freeze-thawing goes smoothly.) #
- It’ll be sad to say goodbye to my 1998 Toyota Corolla. It was a good car. Took me on many roadtrips to see my wife (then girlfriend). #
- RT @redwhiteandnews: @SenJohnMcCain edited his tweet to remove “How do you manage a beaver”question:<=Tweets are editable? #
- RT @levarburton: Hey Everybody! Captain Planet is back! Let Our Powers Combine… #Captain Planet #
- Headed out of here to show my old car to the dealer before I trade it in. #
- Buying a new car. Paid off the loan on my old car so long ago, I don’t know where my lien release is anymore. Need to call the bank on Mon. #
- Working on my upcoming Twitter app. It was timing out. Now it’s running in under 2 minutes. #
- Now to stress test it by running it against @guykawasaki’s twitter stream. #
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