This week in Tweets

  • Tried Quinoa, raisins, cinnamon, honey, & milk for Passover breakfast this morning. Quite tasty. Pics & blog post coming soon. #
  • The new Seesmic Desktop client is nice, but I’m missing the ability to see what messages weren’t read. #
  • Also there doesn’t seem to be a window to see your favorites. I often use that to check on links at home if they’re blocked at work/NSFW. #
  • RT @classymommy: Hot topic: ABC News covers a story on how Parenting Blogs May Be Held Liable for Product Reveiws #
  • Was out of work for 3 days due to Passover. E-mail inbox went from 8 e-mails to 29. Got it back down to 10 now. #
  • Fav Slashdot comment today about Google Updater going open source: #
  • Preparing to burn a hole in my nasal cavity with horseradish and gefilte fish. It’s the jarred stuff, but a brand that’s actually strong. #
  • Twitter worm creator “is hoping that it will result in employment from a security firm rather than prosecution.” #
  • My view: I would hope security firms don’t hire someone who would make a worm due to “boredom.” You don’t want someone like that on staff. #
  • Today was really productive. Took my To Do List from 58 items down to 25. Even built an entire web app. Time to celebrate w/ … matzoh?!! #
  • SOCKS! #Heroes #
  • is wondering whether adults can use the same sun lotion that kids use. Or do we need to bring 2 different types: 1 for adults & 1 for kids. #
  • Is is sad that my first thought upon reading this was “The #Mythbusters did this one! Confirmed!” #
  • RT @mike_elgan: Porn: The new tobacco. <= Porn tobacco’s are different. There’s no 2nd hand porn harm. #
  • Oops. That should have been porn & tobacco’s harms are different. #
  • Been off Twitter for a bit. Day was not good. JSL has a high temp that won’t go down & my grandmother passed away today. 🙁 #
  • Long night. Had to wake up every 2 hours to give JSL his medicine. #
  • Not sure how/if I’m going to my grandmother’s funeral. Don’t want to miss it, but how can I leave B/JSL if JSL’s temp won’t drop below 101? #
  • Would you travel to your grandmother’s funeral if you would be leaving your spouse & sick child for 2 days? Not sure what to do. 🙁 #
  • Checking on bereavement fares now. USAir doesn’t have “bereavement fares per se.” Cost for flight would be over $550! Checking Southwest now #

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