Aloha Friday: Beach Memories

On Sunday, we went to the beach after some time boating on the lake. Now, B has made it clear that she’s not a beach girl, but I love the beach. I grew up on Long Island, so beaches were very available. In fact, there were two beaches that we would regularly go to. I don’t know if they were their real names, but we always called them Long Beach and Short Beach.
Now, these beaches weren’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination. Long Beach had sharp rocks under the water. Each year, the rocks seemed to get further and further out so you had to carefully walk out until you could barely stand before you could enjoy the sand under your feet while in the water.
Short Beach didn’t have rocks. Instead, it had a low tide. And I mean low tide. One time, I remember we walked into the water during low tide and decided to just keep walking. I don’t remember how far we got, but the shore was distant and we started nearing where boats should have been… and the water still wasn’t up to our knees!
Still, I have happy memories of the beach as well. Playing in the sand, splashing in the water, finding sea life (horseshoe crabs, minnows, etc) in the water, shell collecting, getting ice cream on the hot days and trying to eat it before it melted, etc. I loved the beach and am glad to say that my kids made some great beach memories on Sunday.
My Aloha Friday question for today is: Did you go to beaches when you were younger? Do you have any fond beach memories?
Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.
Aloha #48
When I was young, we would go to Sanibel Island in Florida. I have wonderful memories of this – the seashells were everywhere! I spent hours collecting very beautiful and unique shells with my mom.
Kari recently posted..CSN Stores – 60 Gift Certificate GIVEAWAY
I love the beach. we went when I was young and Now that I am OLD I still go,lol. I guess I will be Forever Young on the issue of enjoying beaches.
My AF link for you, a different address than the link below.
Auntie E recently posted..Its Friday- One more Beauty
I really think my fondest beach memories occurred while raising my own children.
Have a great Friday!
Harriet recently posted..Can you tap a 500 word text in 6 seconds
I <3 the beach but we don't go nearly as much as I want too! I went to Miami a couple of summers ago and I went to the Beach with my Aunt she brought me even though she hates sand and therefore the beach! Anyway we went jet skiing and we were so far out that the people on the beach looked like ants. Our time ran out so we were driving back and we hit a wave the wrong way and we went FLYING off! I was so scared that I immediately peed my pants which apparently is the WRONG thing to do when it comes to NOT being attached by a shark. My Aunt on the other hand pretty much high tailed it to the jet ski was I swear was at least 50 feet away and while I sat frozen and scared to death she pulled my butt back up onto the jet ski! Now we look back and laugh but then it was SCARY!
Christa recently posted..Current Giveaways
no we did not visit the beaches when I was a kid the nearest beach was houndred of miles away
Yes I did! I lived on a boat until I was 10 years old. At first we were in Wilmington, CA…which didn’t have a beach (but we visited one often…and I still played in the two foot area of muddy shore by our marina…not a beach, but at least it had crabs to hunt for!) We moved to Long Beach, California…right next to the beach (seriously, we were right behind the rock piling that separated the beach from the marina where we lived). It was a long mellow beach and in the summer we were their nearly every day.