TV Dad vs TV Dad: Who Is The World’s Greatest?

Over at, they’re running an interesting elimination bracket. Giants are facing off against each other to see who is the best of their group. No, I’m not talking about sports teams going head to head. I’m talking about such giants as Keaton, Seaver, Winslow, Micelli, Huxtable, and Foreman. Yes, they have pit 32 TV dads in head to head competition.
You can head on over to the “World’s Greatest TV Dad” contest and vote for your favorite in each of the two dad matchups. Each week, one dad will triumph over the other and half of the competitors will be eliminated. The remaining dads will face each other again and again until only one is left.
Already some dads have been eliminated, including one of my favorites. Before this contest, if you asked me who was the best TV dad to use as a role model, I’d have said Cliff Huxtable. It’s clear that Cliff, for all the goofy things he says and sarcasm he tosses out about his ever-growing household, loves his kids. He works hard to provide the best for them and wants to see them be the best they can possibly be.
However, for all of Cliff’s benefits, there’s another TV dad that I might hold in higher esteem. This dad was very ahead of the curve when it comes to dad trends. Of course, I’m talking of Tony Micelli from “Who’s The Boss.” Tony was a single dad of modest means. He took a job as a live-in housekeeper to give his daughter a better environment to grow and learn. His job entailed cooking and cleaning; jobs that were not widely considered “things dads do” in the early 80’s.
To me, Micelli’s dedication to provide the best possible life for his daughter, coupled with his bending of cultural and gender stereotypes makes him a great TV dad role model in my book.
Disclaimer: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Dad Central Consulting on behalf of P&G and received promotional items to thank me for taking the time to participate.