My Walmart Father’s Day Wishlist

In case you haven’t heard, Father’s Day is coming. Growing up, this meant buying my father a tie or similar piece of clothing. (Techy gifts while I was growing up, either were beyond my monetary means or weren’t the kind of gift he was interested in.) And while I appreciate a nice tie, my gift preferences usually skew towards the geeky side. Sadly, though, we aren’t super wealthy. I can’t afford to go out and buy every single piece of geeky
tech that makes me drool. I need to prioritize and bargain shop and Walmart is always on my bargain shopping list. Here, in no particular order, are some tech items that I’d love to get for Father’s Day. All of these items were spotted during a recent stroll through our local Walmart. They are also all available from Walmart’s Father’s Day electronics page or
Video Games:
Playing video games is fun. Playing video games with my boys is extremely fun. NHL, while not a master, has learned how to operate the controls nicely. JSL wants to work it right, but just can’t figure it out yet. I think he just needs more practice. Which means I need to play more video games with him. Oh the never-ending chores us dads must undertake!
Yes, we already have two Roku players. One in our living room and one in our bedroom. Why do we need a third, you ask? Well, our upstairs room (used by the boys as a play room) doesn’t have one. In fact, since it only has basic cable TV (and a DVD player but the DVDs are kept downstairs), that TV would benefit greatly from a Roku player. Plus, the boys could rock out with Pandora in the larger play room space.
iPad 2
Don’t ask me how we didn’t get a photo of this. I drool over the thought of having an iPad to use. Oh the web browsing I’d do. The apps I’d download. The Angry Birds I’d fling at green pigs. Excuse me while I get my drool mop.
I recently inherited a desktop computer that my parents didn’t need anymore. I want to set this up to be a print/file server, but I need a monitor. I have two CRT monitors I could use but they are big, hulking affairs. They work fine, but they take up so much desk space. How much nicer would it be to have this slim number on the desk instead of the giant dinosaur?
Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Dad Central Consulting on behalf of Walmart and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.
Great Father’s Day list, Techy Dad. I see your badge for BlogHer 2010. Are you coming to BlogHer 2011. I’ll be there. Then I might find out your secret name.
Loved your comment on my Internet Safety Tips You Can Learn from the Weiner Incident over at BoomerTechTalk. Very good, solid advice.
Linda Sherman recently posted..My Top Ten Speaking Tips
Sadly, I don’t think we’ll make it to BlogHer this year. When it was in NYC, it was too close to pass up. But San Diego would require a cross-country trip. Maybe if BlogHer 2012 is on the east coast again. Otherwise, we might make it to Type-A Parent next year.