Plenty of Peppermint

B has written before on our gardening efforts this year. We planted zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppermint. (In pots, thanks in part to the low quality of the soil where we live. Also because peppermint, if given half a chance, will take over your entire yard.) While the cucumbers have yet to appear and the tomatoes and zucchinis aren’t ripe enough to eat yet, the peppermint is more than ready.
I’ve already broken off some sprigs and munched on the leaves. NHL and I both loves doing this. The taste is incredibly minty. It doesn’t hurt the plant either as it just grows more faster than we can munch them. We even gave a few sprigs to B’s parents and kept them alive in a cup of water for days. Those peppermint pieces might just be appropriate for planting in a pot soon.
We’ve grown peppermint before. A couple of years back, it was one of our only successful plants. I used it’s leaves in hot water to make peppermint tea and even tried my hand at drying them (unsuccessfully). I brought the pot into our porch during the cold winter months to try to save it for next year, but the cold must have been too much for the poor little thing. It never did grow again.
This year, I have plenty of time to consider winter season options. Until then, though, I need to consider what I should do with our plethora of peppermint leaves. Most of the recipes I’ve found online call for peppermint candies or peppermint oil. Never for the leaves themselves. Perhaps I should puree them and mix them into brownies or into fudge. Or add to our watermelon smoothies for a minty touch. Or maybe I should break off a bunch of stems, grow them indoors in small pots and hand them out as gifts.
What would you do with a lot of peppermint leaves? (And, if you live locally, do you want any? I’ve got plenty!)
Don’t forget to enter my Outback Steakhouse $45 gift certificate giveaway!
We’re growing peppermint for the first time this year, chocolate peppermint actually. It’s pretty neat stuff and I love chewing on it. I haven’t tried tea yet, so I’ll have to try that.
I hear ya on recipes though, not many things call for it. I wonder how it works making oil from the plant, I’ll have to look into that.
Keep up the great gardening. 🙂
christopher (@twistedxtian) recently posted..Wordless Wednesday XXXVII
I would have never thought about growing pepermint! Hmm…I bet there aren’t a lot of receipes that call for that…..
I put peppermint in my iced tea or I’d just suck on the leave for stomach discomfort. It’s a great natural remedy for that.
I wish I lived locally. I’d take you up on your offer to share.
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Wow I never ever would’ve thought of growing peppermint. I love peppermint (especially for stomach aches) and drink peppermint tea almost everyday. I will have to tell hubby about this. Thanks for sharing!