Zip, Whip and Pee, Broken Mommy, Mini-Golf and Ice Cream

The day before school started, we decided to do something fun with the boys. First, we went to CVS and then to Home Depot to look for a new doorbell. Oh wait, that’s not fun. That’s ok, though, because the next place was fun: Uno Chicago Grill, or, as the boys call it Pizza Uno’s. NHL got a pepperoni pizza. (Ah, my Kosher Boy!) JSL got Mac and Cheese (his all time favorite food). B and I both got the Spinoccoli pizza lunch special. This came with unlimited soup. We both wound up eating only soup and packing our pizza for another meal. (Nothing like getting 2 meals for the price of one!)
After our meal, we walked around the mall for a bit and stopped by Border’s. They’ve been going out of business for the past month or so and the selection really was bare. We managed to find a few items, but JSL was not having a good time. He didn’t understand why there weren’t any toys or kids’ books left. Going Out of Business and Clearing Stock mean nothing to a four year old.
After the mall, we planned to go indoor miniature golfing. NHL had gone here before with me, but JSL and B had never been. However, there was something important to take care of first. We high-tailed it home to put our leftovers in the fridge. Even more important, though was potty breaks for everyone. As NHL was going, B & I began doing the “potty dance.” B lamented her complicated pants. There was a tie, buttons, and a zipper. I think a combination lock might have been in there somewhere. Gloating, I said that I had it easy. All I had to do was “zip, whip, and pee.” Unfortunately, laughing hysterically does not go well with swimming back teeth. There was a real risk of peeing my pants. It didn’t help that NHL’s response to hearing that B couldn’t “zip, whip, and pee” was “Mommy’s broken!”
Luckily, my bladder held out and we went on to indoor mini-golf. JSL was instantly entertained by the black light causing everything to glow. His socks, shorts, ball, fingertips and even his teeth were glowing. The indoor course is divided into four parts.
Outer Space.
After mini-golfing, we decided to get some ice cream. NHL and JSL got Mint Cookie Crumble (mint ice cream with chocolate cookie crumble and fudge swirls). B got Crumbs Along the Mohawk (graham cracker ice cream with graham cracker pieces and a caramel swirl). I got Mud Season (coffee ice cream with brownie dough pieces and a peanut butter fudge swirl).
We all had a blast. There’s nothing like laughter, mini-golf and ice cream to wind down summer vacation!
How did you celebrate the end of summer vacation?