Fun Times At The New York State Museum, Part 1

On Saturday, with Aunt M, Uncle I, Cousin S, and Cousin B in town, we tried to figure out something fun to do with the kids. We decided upon the New York State Museum. Not only is it a nice, bit indoor space with some nice exhibits, but there was a craft activity for the kids to do and a carousel. Just to sweeten the deal, all of this is free.
As we pulled up, we found a spot right near the museum. The kids excitedly got out of the cars and headed in. NHL pointed out one of the only skyscrapers that Albany has. (I grew up near New York City, so I’m used to seeing a lot more skyscrapers.) He also spotted that odd-shaped building in Albany known as "The Egg" (used for concerts and shows).
Heading in, we asked where the kids craft activity was and headed right for it. On the way, we passed by one of the two 9-11 exhibits.
The kids weren’t too interested in these, of course, but they got very interested once we found the animal exhibits.
There were also the minerals/rocks which the kids surprisingly liked. Mainly, I think, because of the colors and sparkliness.
Then, we got to one of their favorite sections: Kids Cove. In this area, were many animal skins, skulls, leaves and other items for kids to examine close up. Whereas most of the museum is hands-off, this section encouraged kids to pick up and take a closer look at the items. (Don’t mind the jackets. The kids were so excited by all that they saw that they didn’t want to stop to remove them yet.)
Leaving here, we located a Woolly Mammoth. This was one of our original directions to find the craft table.
The Woolly Mammoth led us to a Native American village, complete with a house we could walk into.
And Native American wedding clothing.
Finally, we found another mammoth. This one, however, was more skeletal than his friends.
Right by him was the craft table. We had located our first major stop: Kid Crafts. The kids settled in and drew, cut, and pasted shut envelopes. Into these envelopes went some wild flower seeds. Then, they glued the envelope shut and were done.
The person running the event was great. She was able to recover from bad cuts and bad gluing.
After the crafts were done, I got Cousin S and JSL to pose by a nearby dinosaur fossil.
Then, off we went to see more.
Tomorrow: Trains, Fire Trucks and Sesame Street!
Museums are really very good place to make a fun with kids. Last month I also went to Black heritage Museum of Florida with my family and kids. It was really very great felling to visit place like this. We all made so much fun at the museum.