Fun Times At The New York State Museum, Part 2

Yesterday, I began the tale of our trip to the New York State Museum. As I ended part 1, the kids were running off to see more exhibits.
They first ran into a dinosaur. They all marveled the dino standing in front of them. I was barely able to get them to hold still long enough to pose for a photo.
A little further down, they loved seeing, first, a whale’s skull and then a whole whale skeleton.
Even the complete whale skeleton couldn’t measure up to the exhibit were were looking for: Sesame Street. We wound our way through the museum, relying mostly on my fuzzy memory of where it was. Then we spotted something that I didn’t remember: An old A-Train car.
This car was presented in such a way as to let people walk in it and sit in its seats. The kids were instantly in love. They ran all around it abuzz with excitement.
As we exited the train, I spotted the familiar face of a certain large, yellow bird. We had found the way to Sesame Street.
I’ll admit that the exhibit was smaller than I remember. (I think I half-remembered a larger exhibit from another museum.) Still, the kids loved seeing even the small portion of Sesame Street. A bench was positioned so kids could watch snippets of the show on a small television.
Before long, they got restless, though, and it was back to the train car.
Our next big location to visit was the carousel. However, the boys and I stumbled upon a hidden gem. A collection of old fire trucks. What kid doesn’t like fire trucks?
These were right near the second of the museum’s two 9-11 exhibits. This one included (among other things) a heavily damaged fire truck and a girder from the Twin Towers. I must admit that I had to touch it and bow my head a bit when I encountered the latter of the two. Thankfully, the kids were so distracted by the fire trucks they had just seen and the promise of the carousel to come, that they didn’t seem to notice what we were walking by.
Once this was done, we headed for the elevators and went up to ride the carousel.
To be concluded tomorrow.