JSL The Story Writer

Last Friday, B’s parents took JSL and NHL to dinner. When they got back, JSL showed us a story he had written. Yes, in addition to learning how to read, JSL’s been learning how to spell and write. He put it together, along with some inspiration from Lulu And The Brontosaurus (which B had read to him recently), and wrote his own story.
Here is what he wrote (with creative spelling intact and only his name changed to "JSL"):
JSL and the Brontsarus
One day JSL went to a frorist for a brontsarus but the nit came and JSL go to slef and wen JSL wok up he fawd a brontsarus but the brontsarus riley fawd he and they trd into fres.
And here’s the grammar and spelling-corrected version for those who find Kindergarten creative spelling hard to read. (I did leave the giant run-on sentence intact, however.)
JSL and the Brontosaurus
One day JSL went to a forest for a brontosaurus but the night came and JSL went to sleep and when JSL woke up he found a brontosaurus but the brontosaurus really found him and they turned into friends.
I’m so proud of JSL for writing his first story. This is definitely one project of JSL’s that will be kept for years. I can’t wait to see what other creative works he comes up with.