Our First Autism Awareness Month/Day

Autism Awareness Month (April) and Autism Awareness Day (April 2nd) have been celebrated for many years, but it is taking on special meaning for us this year. That’s because, this past year, we finally got a diagnosis on NHL. Yes, NHL is an Aspie. What’s more, I’m an Aspie as well (albeit, undiagnosed).
I first "came out" with NHL’s diagnosis (and my self-realization) back in November, though I hinted about it in September. Since then, I dealt with feelings of guilt over "giving" NHL Asperger’s. (I still feel this from time to time, but I’ve come to terms that there isn’t any blame to be assigned here.) I’ve also written about some of the facts of an Aspie’s life such as trouble looking people in the eyes, excessive honesty, and rigid adherence to plans. I’ve also written about the challenges an Aspie parent faces when parenting an Aspie son. (Let’s just say Aspie-Aspie fixation battles are NOT fun for anyone involved!)
I’ve written about how Asperger’s has been portrayed in the world at large both in print (great book), on TV (love that Arthur episode), and in the news. (No, Asperger’s did NOT cause the Newtown shootings, Savannah Guthrie!) I also combed the web to share some of the best Asperger’s Syndrome resources I could find.
Given the latest CDC study that one in fifty kids is on the spectrum, and given that Asperger’s continues to affect our everyday lives, I foresee many more posts on the subject as our Asperger’s adventure continues.
Are you or is anyone you know on the spectrum?
NOTE: The World Autism Awareness Day image above is from Autism Speaks. More information about World Autism Awareness Day is available from their website.
Although a different diagnosis, I share your “guilt” about passing my ADHD to my kids. I’ve decided to focus on the great aspects that come along with being an ADDer. Plus, it’s so much a part of me, that I couldn’t tell you where I end and ADHD begins. 🙂
Jodi Carmichael recently posted..The Careful Critique