Unwinding With Lego Marvel Super Heroes on the Wii U

Lately, I’ve been working pretty hard. My day job has been keeping me very busy. (Not that I’m complaining, mind you. I’d rather be busy than sitting with nothing to do.) Then, after getting the kids into bed, I’ve been busy with a rather large freelance project.
After all of that work, I need to unwind and relax somehow. Lately, my method of choice has been playing Lego Marvel Super Heroes for the Wii U. I’ve been a fan of the Lego games for awhile on the Nintendo DS, but this is the first Wii U title I’ve tried.
A full review is still coming, but suffice it to say that I love it. One of the things I’ve always liked about Lego games is the replay-ability. After finishing all of the levels, you could always play them again in "Free Play" mode. This title has that, but also has all of Manhattan to explore. There are gold bricks to collect (over 200), citizens to help, Deadpool missions to complete, vehicles and characters to unlock, and Stan Lee to save (many, many times). It’s quite daunting how big the world you get to play in is, but it’s also quite fun.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go flying around the city as Iron Man. Or maybe go on a rampage through the streets as the Hulk. TechyDad Smash!
What do you like to do to unwind?
NOTE: We purchased Lego Marvel Super Heroes on our own. I wasn’t asked or paid to do a review. I just wanted to mention a product that I liked.
It is a pretty fun game! The only thing I didn’t like about this one as opposed to the other Lego games is how they split the screen for multi-player. It is a little nauseating and hard to follow after awhile.
Thanks for the review!