Ninja Web Development

I might be a bit quiet here for awhile.  Don’t worry, nothing’s wrong.  I just have a freelance project that is taking up my free time.  So while I’m MIA deep in code, I thought I’d tease something else I’ve been working on.  You see, I’ve wanted to pick up more freelance work and thought it would be a good idea to have a "Hire Me For Freelance" page.  Then, I was browsing through some domain names and decided to make a whole new website for freelance work.  So here is the "coming soon" page for TechyDad: Ninja Web Developer.  (The .ninja domain was too good to pass up.)

I apologize for the short post and the lack of other content.  Here’s hoping that next week I’ll have more time to blog.  Until then… *drops a ninja smoke bomb and disappears back into the code*

NOTE: The "ninja working at desk" image is by hector gomez and is available from