Stress Release
I’ve got to find a better way to deal with stress.
The past week has been a stressful one. Interestingly, it’s been a combination of issues that appear on my "not to blog about" list. Work items, home issues, financials, etc. So without my blog (or social media) venting ability, I relied on Old Faithful: Hold It All In And Suppress The Stress. That worked beautifully. If by beautifully you mean I woke up Sunday morning unable to get out of bed due to a horrible spasm in my upper back.
I took some ibuprofen, but that only turned the sharp pain into a dull, persistent ache. I hoped that, as the day went on, it would vanish, but it didn’t. The pain stuck around and expanded into my shoulders, neck, and even my right arm.
Monday, I woke up and I could hardly move my neck due to tight muscles. As I write this, on Monday night, the pain remains and is currently shooting down the length of my arm again.
I need some stress-free time or, failing that, a better way of dealing with stress. Because dealing with this back pain is stressing me out and you know what happens to me when I stress out… It’s a vicious cycle!
How do you deal with stress?
Oh, bummer. You sound like me after my last c-section. I had to go and have a massage (which I had never done before) because it kept getting worse. I also started yoga. There’s a thought? Men do yoga. 🙂