Your Shape Fitness Evolved: Week 2 Diary and Giveaway
This week, I tried out Your Shape Fitness Evolved’s Glutes, Toning, Abs, Arms, and Sports preparation workouts.
On Saturday, I burned 110 calories. First, I worked out my glutes with some squats and kicks (10 calories). Next, I moved into pushups to work out my arms and burn 12 more calories. After this, I worked my abs out with some crunches (8 calories). Then, it was time for some toning. I had no weights, so I just ran through the motions. Still, I burned 16 calories.
So far, it seemed like an easy workout. Then came Sports Preparation: Football Basic Preparation. Instead of 2 groupings of 3 workouts, I had to run through 6 sessions of 3 workouts! At the end, I had burned 64 calories. Yes, this one selection burned more calories than all of the other workouts combined.
On Tuesday, I decided to keep better track of the names of the workouts. First up was Arms 100% (B). This entailed two reps each of Knee push ups, slow mountain climbs, and triceps knee pushups and burned 25 calories. Next was Abs 100% (B). This put me through two reps of slow mountain climbs, up & down planks, and fast mountain climbs. I burned 13 calories and learned a valuable lesson. Don’t do Abs right after Arms. Ow, my back!
Up next was Toning: Build Strength (B). This burned 18 calories by working me through 4 reps of bicep combo lunges and 2 reps of dumbbell squats. Then came Glutes: 100% (B) and 21 more calories were burned. This had me perform 4 reps of dumbbell knee-up side-kicks and 2 reps of dumbbell squats.
Then it was time for Sports Preparation. This time I selected Soccer Basic Preparation. I burned 55 calories by running through two reps each of power jogging, dynamic leg curls, knee-up punches, dumbbell step squats, curtsy lunge raises, balance skating, jumping jack punches, plyo leg curls, and jab knee-ups. If that seems like a lot of exercises, it was! All totaled, I burned 132 calories this day.
Finally, on Wednesday, I burned 219 calories. How did I exceed my calories burned from the two previous days? Well, first I ran through Glutes: 100% (C). This burned 19 calories with 2 reps of braced squats, dumbbell sumo squats, and lunges. Then, I worked on Arms: 100% (C). This 38 calories burning workout consisted of 2 reps of Push ups, fast mountain climbs, and triceps knee push-ups. Next up was Toning: Build Strength (C). I burned 15 calories with 4 reps of reverse fly lunges and 2 reps of triceps squats. Next, I tried the Abs: 100% (C) and burned 22 calories with the supported leg stretch, roll up & down, pulse crunch, up & down plank, slow mountain climb, and fast mountain climb.
If you are counting, you’ll realize this only totals 94 calories. The other 125 calories came from Sports Preparation: Soccer Cardio & Endurance. Yes, one hundred twenty five calories! Instead of the usual 6 sessions of 3 workouts, this had 7 sessions of 3 workouts: Jumping jack punch, triple run punch, front kick punch, slide jump, high knees run, plyo leg curl, power skate, sumo knee lift, x-jog, sprint jump, sumo jump, sprint jump, muscle man twist, dumbbell squat, muscle man twist, single-leg squat, sumo squat, single-leg squat, push-up, up & down plank, and fast mountain climb. Yes, I was ready to collapse after all of this.
You could win a copy of Your Shape Fitness Evolved. Simply post a comment to this blog post. When my five week series is finished, one commenter from across the five posts will win a copy of the game from Ubisoft.
Disclaimer: I was given a copy of Your Shape Fitness Evolved by Ubisoft and financially compensated for this Clever Girls Collective, Inc. campaign. In addition, I was loaned an XBox 360 and Kinect for the duration of the campaign. The opinions expressed above, however, are my own.
Great series of posts on this cool game! Keep up the hard work, you’re doing really well!
ps Are you keeping track of your calorie count on #YSC ?… it’s really useful!
Kicking butt! Love your series of posts.
Ashleigh Walls recently posted..Spring Looks! Nails China Glaze
Wow, they have a lot of stuff to choose from on the game. Definitely a fun way to work up a sweat. lol
Susie B. Homemaker recently posted..Facebook $100 Amazon Blast
Keep up the good work! It only gets easier!
Scott recently posted..An App for Gas. MurphyUSA
i would love to try the video
Love your review..
Thanks for the chance to win.
Minta recently posted..FrankenWeenie trailer.
Love your review..
Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway
Minta recently posted..FrankenWeenie trailer.
Ugh. Mountain climbers. I HATE those.
Nicole Brady (SAHM Reviews) recently posted..An App for Gas. MurphyUSA
I never realized how many calories this could burn. You did such an amazing job with the review!
This workout seems pretty intense. Wouldn’t hurt to have a long rest…
Interesting on the soccer and football preps. I wonder how close they come to the actual workouts those teams (high school?) do. Maybe not the ones I’d focus on… but I’m a wimp?
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