WiiFit Workout Week 4

Beginning Weight:  206 (-1.5 pounds)

Monday December 22nd – Week 4 Day 1

Shoveling (45 min)

Wednesday December 24th – Week 4, Day 2
WiiFit Age 31

Lunge (20 reps)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree
Dance Pose
Standing Knee
Single Leg Extension (20 reps)
Advanced Step
Advanced Hula Hoop (10 min) [3323 spins.. Can’t spin hips anymore!!!)
Deep Breathing
Soccer Heading
Ski Jump

Total Workout Time: 38 minutes

Saturday December 24th – Week 4, Day 3
WiiFit Age 30

Spinal Twist
Torso Twist (6 reps)
JackKnife (10 reps)
Lunge (20 reps)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Single-Leg Twist (20 reps)
Standing Knee
Single-Leg Extension (20 reps)
Advanced Step
Advanced Hula Hoop (6 minutes)

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Weekly thoughts:  Last weekend, we had quite a big snowfall.  While I did as much shoveling as I could on Sunday, there was still more to do on Monday.  So I spent 45 minutes shoveling us out.  I decided to count this as a workout more formally than I did last week.  On Wednesday, I attempted the 10 minute Advanced Hula Hoop workout.  3,323 spins later, I could hardly stand.  I think I’ll be sticking to the 6 minute version for awhile.  I’ve also come to the realization that I’ve got to set a firmer time to workout.  Too many nights, I wait until 11:15pm and then reluctantly pull the balance board out.  I get into the workout quickly, but I need to schedule it to get me over the "do I really want to lug the balance board out/maybe I’ll just check one more thing/it’s so late now" hump.