On Saturday night, after our first pumpkin carving, we left the kids with B’s parents and had one of those rare, wonderful moments called Date Night. Somehow, despite repeatedly saying how we should do this more often, we never get around to it. Illnesses, scheduling conflicts and life in general seem to conspire to limit our date night to a handful of times.
When the prospect of date night is mentioned, I envision going out for a night on the town. Dinner, maybe dancing. Definitely someplace elegant that has as small a kids’ menu as possible. Worries (money, kids, etc) would be tossed out the window for the evening and we would just enjoy each other’s company.
The reality of date night wasn’t *quite* like this. It started out very nice. We chose a restaurant we had a coupon for and had a blast. The food was exceptional and we even saved half of our portions for lunch, thus saving more money. (Is it bad that I feel old with all of these “saved money” references?)
Afterwards, we decided to shop at a local Hallmark store. On the way there, we remarked about how some kids looked like they were up to no good. (Again, “kids these days” reference… I feel OLD!) The Hallmark store was closed so we went to a local grocery store and stocked up on food essentials.
Wait. The grocery store? Our big date night out and the best we could do was dinner and shopping for food? Where’s the dancing? Where’s the movie? Where’s doing something fun together that doesn’t involve a shopping cart and a produce aisle?
During our date supermarket run, I joked that we had forgotten how to date. We’ve been parents for so long and so focused on running the household smoothly, that I fear we’ve forgotten how to put the “parent” portion of our lives on hold and just be “two adults who are in love with each other” for a few hours. Our dating life seems in some need of some help.
My Aloha Friday question for today is: Do you go on date nights regularly? If so, where do you go and what do you do?
Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the McLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha #62