Giveaway: A Fantasy-Filled Valentine’s Day

Heart_BallonA few weeks ago, I wrote about EdenFantasys and mentioned how I’d like to spend more quality time with just B and me in 2012.  With Valentine’s Day approaching, this seems like the perfect opportunity to plan some special time with her.  Perhaps, we’ll go out to dinner.  Perhaps we’ll see a movie.  No matter what we do, it’ll be a special activity because I’ll be with the woman that I love.

For my readers, I have an early Valentine’s Day present.  One of my readers will win a $25 EdenFantasys gift card.  To enter, simply leave a comment below answering this question: What would you go out and do on your ideal Valentine’s Day date with your significant other?

You can also earn bonus entries by doing any (or all) of the following items. Just be sure to leave a separate comment for each item that you complete.  (Don’t just leave one comment listing everything you did.)

  • Follow @TechyDad on Twitter. (1 bonus entry)
  • Follow @EdenFantasys on Twitter. (1 bonus entry)
  • Tweet about the giveaway on Twitter. Be sure to include @TechyDad, @EdenFantasys and a link to this post in the Tweet. (1 bonus entry per day) For example: Get ready for Valentine’s Day with @TechyDad and @EdenFantasys #Giveaway
  • Circle Me on Google Plus. Let me know your Google Plus name in the comments. (1 bonus entry)
  • Leave a comment on any of my non-giveaway posts from January/February. Leave a comment here letting me know which post you commented on. (1 bonus entry per comment, maximum 3 entries)

To enter, please follow the rules above within the comment section. Contest starts today, January 24th and ends at 10pm EST on February 7th, 2012. You do not have to be a blogger to enter, but must leave a valid e-mail address for me to contact you for mailing address once the giveaway is over. I will select the winner using and contact you via e-mail. You will have 48 hours to claim the prize. If there is no response, another winner will be selected. Open to U.S. residents only.

Disclaimer: The Heart Balloons clipart comes from

Goal For 2012: A Little More Us Time

On Sunday, as part of our Lazy Day In, B and I stayed in our PJs all day.  Ok, I tossed some clothes on to get our traditional Chinese food Christmas dinner, but otherwise it was PJs for the whole day.

Towards the end of the day, before dinner was ordered, B and I decided that we should both take showers.  We had just washed and changed the sheets on all of our beds.  (Ok, so it wasn’t a completely lazy day.)  We figured we shouldn’t go to sleep that night without having showered.

As part of my day’s activities, I had resurrected an old laptop we had.  So the boys both had computers to play on.  They were both occupied so I dared to suggest we shower together.  It’s been awhile since we’ve done anything like this and it seemed like a golden opportunity.

B and I got ready.  We got into the shower and B adjusted the water temperature.  Then, as the temp was just right… NHL came walking into the bathroom.

Did I mention that we only have one bathroom on the ground floor?  There we were in the shower with NHL just inches from us on the other side of the curtain.  No, we weren’t engaged in any "activities", but it did mean that any hope of "activities" was rapidly dwindling.  NHL wasn’t rushing either, but decided to talk to B for a bit.

I kept quiet at first until B gave away that I was in there.  NHL was surprised but didn’t question why dad would get into the shower with mom.  He probably figured that we were saving water.  (Yeah, saving water.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!)

This seems to be a recurring theme in our lives.  I’ll admit, there are days when I miss our pre-kid years.  In those before-kid times, we could go out to a romantic dinner or just spend some quality time indoors on a whim.  Now, we need to plan when we can drop the kids off at B’s parents house and when we need to pick them up.  Spousal quality time seems all too lacking no matter how much we try to make it a priority.

Still, we’re not going to stop trying.  Having a child burst in on you when you’re having a quiet moment together is just one of the many challenges about being a parent.

Luckily, there are always ideas to be had at EdenFantasys. Perhaps we can take a few quiet moments, while the kids are otherwise occupied, and give each other a massage.  Or maybe we can find some "toys" to help add excitement when we would otherwise give in to exhaustion at the end of a long day.  If we’re running low on ideas ourselves, we can also head on over to EdenFantasys Forums to ask other people for ideas.  Yes, B and I are always on the hunt for ways to maximize our Us Time.

Disclaimer: This post was written as part of the EdenFantasys Ambassador program.  I received an EdenFantasys gift card, but the opinions expressed above are my own.

Giveaway: $50 Eden Fantasys Gift Certificate

Quick warning: Some of the links on this page might be considered not safe for work.

Stop me if you’ve heard this story before.  A man and a woman are madly in love.  They have a wonderful time in the bedroom (perhaps in other rooms as well).  Then they get married and have children.  Gradually, their bedroom antics become fewer and fewer.  They turn from passion filled romps into scheduled sessions timed for the least interference of the kiddie kind.

The bad news is that this happens to far too many of us married folks.  The good news is that it doesn’t need to be like this.  Sometimes, all you need is to add a little spice to your relationship.  And boy does Eden Fantasys have spice!  You can go for the tamer items like massage oil or lingerie, or for some more adventurous gear.  There is also a whole community of people at Eden Fantasys, so be sure to stop by their forums.

Thanks to Eden Fantasys, one lucky winner will receive a $50 gift certificate. To enter, simply leave a comment below answering this question: What type of product would you buy from Eden Fantasys with $50?

Update:  It has come to my attention that some people might feel uncomfortable answering this question.  That’s fair enough.  So you can either answer the question above or this alternative question:  What do you do to keep your relationship from falling into a rut?

You can also earn bonus entries by doing any (or all) of the following items. Just be sure to leave a separate comment for each item that you complete.  (Don’t just leave one comment listing everything you did.)

  • Follow @TechyDad on Twitter. (1 bonus entry)
  • Follow @EdenFantasys on Twitter. (1 bonus entry)
  • Tweet about the giveaway on Twitter. Be sure to include @TechyDad, @EdenFantasys and a link to this post in the Tweet. (1 bonus entry per day) For example: Add some spice in your relationship. Win $50 for @EdenFantasys from @TechyDad #Giveaway
  • Subscribe to my RSS feed or let me know if you already are. (1 bonus entry)
  • Leave a comment on any of my non-giveaway posts from December/January. Leave a comment here letting me know which post you commented on. (1 bonus entry per comment, maximum 3 entries)
  • Write a post on your blog linking to this giveaway. Leave 3 comments about this to get credit for all of your extra entries. (3 bonus entries)

To enter, please follow the rules above within the comment section. Contest starts today, January 6th and ends at Noon EST on January 20th, 2011. You do not have to be a blogger to enter, but must leave a valid e-mail address for me to contact you for mailing address once the giveaway is over. I will select the winner using and contact you via e-mail. You will have 48 hours to claim the prize. If there is no response, another winner will be selected. This giveaway is open to any place in the world that Eden Fantasys ships, which is the entire world!

Disclosure: I was provided with a gift certificate to Eden Fantasys for running this giveaway. No other compensation was given. The opinions expressed above are my own.

Ambassador After Dark

The following post might contain certain elements that aren’t completely safe for work.  No, there’s no nudity or anything, but it does mention adult-level activities and products.  I wouldn’t want to get my readers in trouble for reading about intimate subjects on the job.  So if you are checking this out from the office, please don’t click the “read more” link below.  Wait until you get home and *then* click read more!  To those of you who are at home, click read more right… about… now!

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TechyDad After Dark: The #BlogHer10 #EdenFantasys Party

This is a warning. The rest of this post is NSFW. It involves "toys of an adult nature" and photos. No, the photos don’t show the toys being used for their intended task, but some of the toys themselves aren’t safe for viewing in the office. So I’m providing a break below. Click the "read more" link to read the entire post. If you’re in the office, don’t click and wait until you get home. If you can’t stand the sight of "realistic looking toys", then just forget that this post ever happened.

» Read more

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