I’m back from my trip to Charleston, South Carolina. Everything went well there. My friend is now married and I have over 1,100 photos of the time I spent there. More on that later.
On Sunday, NHL woke up and was acting odd. He didn’t want to eat breakfast and asked to go back to sleep. Not on the couch watching TV, mind you. He wanted to go back to bed. (Sign #1 that something is wrong, a nap with no TV is *ASKED FOR*!!!) After about an hour’s nap, he woke up and went to Hebrew School.
When we picked him up, he seemed tired. We went to the grocery story to pick up some food. He and JSL sat in a car cart next to each other. NHL complained that he was hungry. Fair enough, it was lunchtime. So we tried to get him some food but he kept going between hungry and not hungry. Finally, we got him some pretzel crisps and went through the aisles quickly. At the dairy aisle, the second to last aisle we needed to go in, he suddenly gagged and hurled all over himself, the cart and the floor.
Now here is where my bad reaction comes into play. Ever since NHL has been little, I seem to have this reaction when he vomits. I instinctively try to catch it to contain the mess. It never works, always gets me messy, yet the reaction persists. It’s not a conscious decision either. It just seems to be something that I do as a split-second reaction to my son vomiting. I don’t know why I do it
So there I am standing with vomit dripping down my hands in the dairy aisle. My wife took JSL to get someone to help clean up the mess. (Luckily, NHL turned away from JSL when he performed the Technicolored Yawn, so JSL was spared the mess.)
When she came back, I cleaned us up the best I could and took NHL to the restroom. He complained on the way that he was going to hurl again, so we hurried. Once in the bathroom, though, he tummy must have settled a bit because he didn’t need to. However, the restroom was equiped with a hot air hand dryer (a "blower" in NHL-speak) and not paper towels. So I grabbed handfuls of toilet paper, wet them, and tried to use it to clean up the vomit on NHL’s clothes (as well as the specks of toilet paper that started ripping off and sticking to his clothes). It wasn’t a great job, but it was good enough for the moment.
Back we went to B to find that they had taken the cart away to be hosed off. They were coming with a new cart and a mop. Meanwhile, B was guarding the "spill zone" with JSL while watching our groceries. I took JSL and NHL and headed to the car. (Along the way, I saw an employee heading back to my wife with another car cart. He saw me taking the boys away and said he’d get her a regular cart.) At the car, NHL was clearly distressed. He wanted to go home *now*. I calmed him down the best I could until B got back. Then we headed home.
At home, we saw that NHL was spiking a fever. Motrin went in and NHL went to nap for a bit. His fever seemed to pass, but he still wasn’t hungry for dinner. A juice box and half of a apple juice popsicle was all he had the rest of the day. Luckily, this morning, his fever appeared to be gone and he actually requested breakfast. Hopefully, he’s on the mend.
My Gross Day wasn’t over though. JSL had needed a tub, and a dinner of buttered noodles didn’t help. Just before his tub, he decided to poop. I couldn’t change his diaper *AND* clean/fill the tub at the same time, so B agreed to change his diaper. Unfortunately, she didn’t wait until I was ready and soon a naked JSL was wandering about the house while I waited for the "clean the tub" water to go down the drain.
As the tub drained, B told JSL: "Out of the living room. I don’t want you peeing on the carpet. Go to Daddy." Can you guess what comes next?
I suddenly felt wet on my leg. I saw that the water was way to low for me to have accidentally splashed myself and I saw JSL turning and walking away. Yes, JSL did as Mommy asked and went to Daddy to pee. (Ok, it might not have been what Mommy meant, but apparently JSL is very literal.)
So yesterday I was puked on by one kid and peed on by the other. I guess that’s the payback I get for being out of town for 3.5 days.