Category: Food
Cooking With TechyDad: The PB Files, Part 6: Maple Peanut Butter Mousse

I’m a big fan of mousse, but I don’t often get the chance to make it. When I saw this recipe, I knew I’d have to make it. First, we gather our ingredients, all three of them.
That’s heavy cream, milk and Mighty Maple Peanut Butter. If you don’t have maple peanut butter, you could always add some maple syrup to the mix. First, put the milk and maple syrup peanut butter into a blender and blend them together.
Next, pour the egg whites into a bowl and beat them with an electric mixer until they form stiff peaks.
Now, fold in peanut butter-milk mixture.
Refrigerate the mixture for a few hours (or overnight), scoop into a bowl and enjoy.
The Verdict:
NHL and B didn’t like this one. I think they might be used to chocolate mousses and so were thrown by the maple flavor. I definitely think that the taste was improved by adding some mini-chocolate chips. Perhaps next time I’ll try making this with the Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut Butter.
Disclaimer: Peanut Butter & Co sent me the jars of peanut butter to try. The opinions about the peanut butter and the dishes I make with them are my own, though, and have in no way been influenced by Peanut Butter & Co.
Cooking With TechyDad: The PB Files, Part 5: Wonderful White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies
I’ll admit right off the bat that I’m not a big white chocolate fan. I’m more of a dark chocolate person, myself. Still, how can you resist a peanut butter called White Chocolate Wonderful?
I found a recipe online for Flourless White Chocolate Peanut Butter cookies and then went to work gathering my ingredients.
That’s brown sugar, white chocolate peanut butter, baking soda, vanilla, white chocolate peanut butter chips and egg whites. First, we combine the peanut butter, brown sugar, baking soda and vanilla.
Now, in a second bowl, lightly beat the egg whites. (Bad, egg whites!)
Pour the beaten egg whites into the first bowl and mix it all together.
Fold in the white chocolate chips.
Now, scoop onto a baking sheet and cook at 350 for 10 to 12 minutes.
When they come out, do NOT try to move them. The cookies will be way too soft. Instead, let them cool for about 5 minutes on the baking sheet before moving them to a cooling rack. Or do like I did and let them cool for 5 minutes on the tray and then remove the aluminum foil – cookies and all – to let them cool for another 5 minutes. You’ll be rewarded with delicious white chocolate peanut butter cookies.
The verdict? Well, these were good, but to be honest, I have another peanut butter cookie recipe that I like more. I guess I like that one more due to the greater peanut butter taste. Still, this white chocolate peanut butter’s good stuff!
Disclaimer: Peanut Butter & Co sent me the jars of peanut butter to try. The opinions about the peanut butter and the dishes I make with them are my own, though, and have in no way been influenced by Peanut Butter & Co.
Cooking With TechyDad: The PB Files, Part 4: Easy Peanut Butter Smores
As you might have guessed, I like peanut butter. I also like chocolate. Especially, Dark Chocolate. So how couldn’t I love this?
Excuse me while I clean up this drool puddle. Ok, much better. I keep thinking I should find a proper recipe to make this into but then I think that’d be a waste of Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter. (Cleans up more drool.) Especially when there’s a quick and easy recipe that I love making this into.
First, let’s gather our ingredients. All three of them.
For the record, that’s dark chocolate peanut butter, marshmallow fluff and graham crackers. Now place two halves of a graham cracker down
Open up your dark chocolate peanut butter.
(Oh dear, more drool to clean up.)
Now spread some dark chocolate peanut butter on one half. Spread some marshmallow fluff on the other half.
Next, comes a highly technical procedure which I call “squishing them together.”
Doesn’t that look good? Don’t you want to try a bite?
Sorry, this one’s mine. Get your own!!! (Insert Cookie Monster sounds as I devour my creation.)
Disclaimer: Peanut Butter & Co sent me the jars of peanut butter to try. The opinions about the peanut butter and the dishes I make with them are my own, though, and have in no way been influenced by Peanut Butter & Co.
#DisneySMMoms 2010 – A Not-So-Impossible-Dinner (Day 5, Part 2)
We arrived back at Epcot after our day at Epcot and the Magic Kingdom and made our way to the Disney Social Media Moms dinner. Eventually, we came upon one of the entrances to the gated off area. Of course, we were early and couldn’t enter right away.
I was getting nervous, because we could feel the temperature dropping and the dinner was scheduled to be outside. I was both relieved and troubled when I saw a tweet come through that someone got a seat by a heat lamp. Relieved because Disney had obviously taken steps to protect us from the cold. Troubled because the tweet implied that others were being let in while we were still being kept out. Finally, we were allowed in and we made our way to a table right next to a heat lamp. Score!
The tables all had cool Disney Volunteer themes to them complete with “nutritional labels.”
After a short wait, it was time to eat. There was a lot of food and plenty for a non-meat eater such as myself. You’ll forgive me if I’ve forgotten some of the dish names in the ensuing months, but rest assured that it all tasted great. In our haste to sample all the wonderful food, we neglected to take photos of much of it. Here are some photos that we did take.
After the meal came dessert, of course, and Disney didn’t disappoint. It all was so good, especially the warm brownie tort! Sorry, B
After we were done with dessert, Robert Irvine came out to talk about the Dinner Impossible challenge he had just completed and the Disney volunteers (who the dinner was really about). I’ll admit I was a bit disappointed when, months later upon watching the Dinner Impossible episode, I learned that our food wasn’t really from Robert. Still, given what he made, I think I preferred what Disney offered more.
All during dinner and dessert, we had some lovely converation. Besides sitting with Christina (from CutestKidEver), her husband Tom and TJ, we also got to meet Katie from Katie’s Nesting Spot.
After Robert made his exit, we were treated to a mini-concert by Joe Jonas & Demi Lovato.
It was late at this point, though, and both boys were exhausted so we headed back to our hotel room. Of course, this is when we ran into DaddyDigest only to have JSL hurt his arm by sticking it into some metal poles. Luckily, this injury wasn’t bad and we were able to go right to our hotel for some much-needed sleep.