Blame the Matzoh

blame-matzoh I don’t have a proper post ready for today.  Yes, there’s this, but I don’t consider it a “proper post.”  B and I have been wiped out since Thursday (if not earlier).  You see, all that cleaning took a toll.  Then, after finishing up some cleaning on Friday, I took the Passover items down from the attic.  Then, B and I cooked for the Passover Seder.  Then, the next day, we picked up a few remaining items we felt we needed before having a second Seder that night.

I was supposed to go to temple on Saturday morning and Sunday morning, but couldn’t drag myself out of bed on Saturday.  Honestly, I was surprised that I got there on Sunday.

JSL, meanwhile, has had an awful Passover.  All of his favorite foods (macaroni and cheese, “chocolate drink” – a protein drink he loves having for breakfast, pizza, grilled cheese) aren’t Kosher for Passover.  Sure, you can make Matzoh pizza and you can melt cheese on Matzoh, but it isn’t the same.  We gave him fish sticks (shaped like actual fish – more or less) last night, but he complained the whole time and went to bed hungry.  The happiest I’ve seen him eating was when 1) he was eating melon and 2) he was eating Passover cookies and brownies at temple with me.  (JSL: “This is my bestest day EVER because I get to eat a lot of chocolate!”)

As for NHL, he’s doing fine.  He’s found out that he loves gefilte fish (though not horseradish) and he already knew that he loves hard boiled eggs.  He even tried, loved, and devoured my quinoa pilaf.  His dietary needs are being met.

I’ll try to fight off the Matzoh-carb-sleepiness tonight to get a proper post ready for tomorrow.  If none appears, though, the Matzoh got me.

Aloha Friday: Passover Seder

Passover is nearly here.  Soon all my cleaning will be over… And then I’ll begin preparing food for the Seder.  I’ll be cooking chicken, stuffed cabbage, quinoa pilaf, and more.  The cleaning frenzy will be replaced with a cooking frenzy.  Finally, as the cooking is completed, I’ll actually be able to enjoy the Seder with my family.

My Aloha Friday question for today is: Have you ever attended a Seder?

P.S. If you haven’t already, try out my Twitter applications: FollowerHQ and Rout.

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #133

Passover Busy-ness


This coming week is going to be a busy one.  You see, Passover is coming.  Some Jewish holidays are easy affairs.  Chanukah just requires a menorah, some candles, and perhaps a dreidel.  Purim is a fun affair involving costumes, triangle-shaped cookies, and noise makers.  However, Passover is anything but easy.

There are many rules about what can and can’t be eaten during Passover and, of course, different people observe different things.  For me, we essentially need to buy only products that are specially marked as Kosher for Passover (with the exception of fresh fruits and vegetables).  There is a general prohibition on any leavened product, so that means no bread.  It also means all cookies, cake, tortillas, waffles, pancakes, cereal, etc. are forbidden.

Of course, I don’t just take out the Passover food, cook it with our usual pots and pans and place it on our usual plates.  Before Passover begins, I need to clean the kitchen and dining room to remove all crumbs.  I need to put away all non-Passover pots, pans, plates and utensils and take out our Passover ones.  I need to clean the fridge, oven, stove, sink, microwave, and dishwasher.  (Luckily, that last one is pretty self-cleaning.)  I also need to make room in the cabinets for Passover items.

In short, there’s a lot of work to do and very little time to do it in.  Thus, while I’ll try to post a few times this week, you’ll forgive me if I take a few days off.  Rest assured that I’m not just slacking off.  I’ll just be very busy getting ready for Passover.

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