JSL has been sick the last few days. He had a fever, was lethargic, and didn’t want to eat. What little he did eat… well, let’s just say that it didn’t always stay in him long. At one point, B called me at work after he woke up from a nap. He was crying asking for his mommy. He recognized that B was his mother, but kept asking for his "real mommy."
Later on, after dinner, I got NHL to bed. JSL, previously, had fallen asleep on the couch. Suddenly, he sat up and began crying for his daddy. I picked him up and he said "Daddy? I want my daddy!" I asked him who I was and he answered that I was his dad. I asked him what room we were in and he said the living room. I asked him my first name was and he knew that. I even asked him how many fingers I was holding up and he answered correctly. But after all that, he kept repeating "Daddy? I want my daddy!" This went on for about 10 minutes while we decided whether we were going to need to go to the hospital (and, if so, what to do about the sleeping NHL in the other room).
Slowly, JSL came out of it. He began to realize just was going on and calmed down. He even had some fun with what just happened by saying he wanted his daddy one more time and then smiling before hugging me. I asked him if he was having a nightmare. He told me that he was and that he was scared of losing us. (As he’s never lost anyone he knows to death, I think he meant "losing us" in the sense of not knowing where we are.)
In the end, we think this was the combination of some sort of waking dream and low blood sugar. After we got him to eat some crackers, he perked up a lot. The next day, he stayed home and went to the doctor. The doctor didn’t find anything wrong. No ear infection, strep, etc. His temperature was staying down without medicine and he was eating (and acting) better.
He’s not alone in these nighttime behaviors. NHL has had night terrors and has even been known to sleepwalk from time to time. My parents told me about some times when I’ve walked in my sleep, talked with them, turned around, headed back to bed with no memory of the events. One time growing up, I got out of bed, thought I was in a different room, and couldn’t exit the room. My mother finally heard my cries and turned on the light. In that instance, I snapped out of the waking-dream and realized just what was happening. (I had ended up in the closet instead of the room’s door.)
My Aloha Friday question for today is: Have you ever experienced an incident like this yourself or that your kids did?
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Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.

Aloha #124
Disclaimer: The "Emoticons: Sleeping face" clipart above is from OpenClipArt.org.