The Perler Bead Addiction Continues

Three weeks ago, I wrote about our Perler Bead addiction. Since that time (except for a quick Perler Bead-related Rosh Hashana greeting), I haven’t posted about Perler Beads at all. So clearly my addiction is over, right?
I’ll admit it. I’ve been holding back. We’ve been busy working on so many Perler Bead projects and while I’ve posted photos of most of them on Instagram, I didn’t want to become I wanted to space out these posts a bit. Now that I’ve waited a bit, here’s what we’ve been doing (in no particular order).
You remember Robin from the first post?
Well, JSL and I worked on the rest of the Teen Titans: Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg.
Titans, GO!
I’ve also been working on some tiny Harry Potter figures. See if you can guess who each one is.
Accio Perler Bead Tray!
I made a few Star Wars figures as well.
When 900 years old you reach, be made of plastic beads you will not. (Next up: Chewbacca and Boba Fett.)
I also made myself a baby Groot.
Groot, did you eat my brownie? I AM GROOT!
B made Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. and both Perry the Platypus and Agent P.
Oh there you are, Perry!
I made these parrots to turn into earrings for B.
Just don’t ask them if Polly wants a cracker.
NHL made a pair of fishes.
I think the smaller one’s about to be eaten by the larger fish.
Speaking of larger, I’ve also just got this for large projects:
I’ve seen some "turn a photo into a Perler Bead pattern" programs and I might just try a couple. Those don’t work well with tiny projects. Also, while you can connect the smaller boards together, our ironing area is upstairs from where we make the Perler Beads. As it is, walking up the stairs carrying a tray of beads is tricky. (One bump and not only is your design broken, but tiny, plastic beads could be scattered everywhere.) The way the boards connect, though, wouldn’t let me keep them connected as I move them. Now, though, I can make one big design or a bunch of smaller ones, and just carry one board up to my iron to melt the beads together.
It looks like my Perler Bead addiction might be turning into a full on obsession and that’s just fine by me.
(Lest anyone think that all of these projects are a waste of money – that I iron them, toss them aside, and then work on a new project, JSL now has a pile of Perler Bead figures that he loves playing with. The other day, he had the Teen Titans being visited by the Doctor and Harry Potter. He’s only seven and is already a master of the crossover. *sniff* They grow up so fast. *sniff*)