Belated Father’s Day and a Munchkin Video

Yesterday was Father’s Day. I meant to write a post about it on Thursday night, but then I was hit with bloggy writer’s block. I knew what topic I wanted to write about, but the words just failed to appear in my head. In addition, Angry Birds Epic had just come out, so I wound up playing that until I went to bed. (More on Angry Birds Epic another day.)
On Friday, I took NHL out for a dad-son day. We ate breakfast and lunch out and saw How To Train Your Dragon 2 in 3D. The latter was a rare treat because 1) I usually don’t pay extra for 3D movies (movie tickets are expensive enough in 2D) and 2) JSL doesn’t like 3D movies so we’re not going to pay extra for him to sit through the movie without his glasses on and seeing a distorted picture. I’ve got to say that the 3D was nice, but it did hurt my eyes by the end and I’d be just as happy paying less and watching the movie in 2D. For the $4 extra per ticket, I’d rather go to the 2D showing and then buy the boys a small movie-themed toy afterwards.
Saturday was a pretty normal day. Sunday, meanwhile, was Father’s Day. I got to sleep late/relax in bed until 10am. Then, I made breakfast for everyone (yes, even on Father’s Day I cook). Around noon, we headed out to lunch. After a quick lunch – including a dessert at Menchie’s where they had Dole Whips, we planned some other activities, but sadly had to change our plans. Instead, we went home and had a quiet, relatively uneventful rest of the day.
Except for one more thing. Which was the one thing I really wanted to do yesterday.
Ever since I wrote my Do You Wanna Play Some Munchkin parody song, I’ve wanted to make a video of it. With the day winding down, I set up the tripod, video camera, and got the props in place. JSL, NHL, and I ran through it a few times before trying to video the song. In the end, it wasn’t quite what I envisioned, but I think it came out pretty good. Here are the lyrics in case you want to sing along:
I hope all the dads out there had a happy Father’s Day.